Family Histories, Journals & Biographies

Collection Information

This category includes thousands of rich collections of published resources that can add depth to your family history. Published family histories may link to your family lines and can include the names, birth, marriage, and death dates, relationships, as well as stories about that family. Although published family histories can contain errors, the clues they contain can lead you and greatly help your research process.

The biographical sketches and oral histories of other people may give insights into what life was like for your ancestor. You’ll also find a record of events that had a profound impact locally, but don’t merit a mention in other history books. If your ancestor had any interaction with the subject of a biography, you may even find a mention of him in the publication.

Family histories, journals and biographies often provide vital information along with personal stories which reveal the atmosphere at the time of your ancestors.

Personal journals let you know your ancestors through their thoughts and experiences; biographies give not only vital and personal information on your ancestor but also on other family members. When found, these records will become prized treasures to your family.

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